Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stormy Waves

Stormy waves make me happy.  Great black clouds, fabulous crashing waves.
Skip the tornadoes though. 
The small square painting in the first photo is from the day of the Godrich tornado in August, 2011.  My family was happy splashing in the lake wondering where to the south the serious thunderstorm was.  We never thought a tornado would be riping completely through the historic town of Godrich. 
The finished painting is shown four photos below.
Lake Huron at Thanksgiving. 
The boy needed a nap, we had a nice drive along the lake and he did fall asleep.  I got some great photos.  On the painting wish list, the view to the north.  A rainbow just happened to be shinning north of Kincardine.  My future home Mom says wishfully.
Every year JB Print Solutions asks local artists to submit paintings for their free calendar.  Three of my pieces are in this years calendar.  Shown in this picture, Aunt Florence's Peony.
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Here and Gone

Detail of broach.

My latest painting with a love story behind it that touches my romantic heart.  Teenage love, reunited after 30 years and a pre-Christmas engagement.  I was totally caught up in the details of this painting, the beautiful broach, carved metal pieces and the plaid.  I'm not sure what it is about plaid, it fills me with warmth and imagined coziness.
Two little sweeties on an adventure, skipping down the path in the secret forest.  This is how I always imagine a hike with J.  It is rarely how it turns out, inevitably I push him to far when he really just wants to play hide and go seek, but I couldn't stop thinking of how much fun it could be. 
I hope this Christmas commission brings special memories to mind for the parent's. 

The final touches went on this painting before Christmas, I think.  I am tempted to put the original cupola on.  It had a beautiful shape.  I am sadden when these historic landmarks can't be up kept in their original form.  This painting is safety on display so it can't distract me from other projects. 
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post Christmas Planning

Distracted by Christmas and last minute commissions, well not really last minute more like left to the last minute.  I'm now back into the swing of things, class planning, Art Council Board meetings, painting what inspires me and ta da....routine.
First up a new painting for a new show home in Brighton.  Clouds and surf.
Second a scarf felting class a Loyalist College in Belleville January 26.
Here is the link Wool Felting Classes
And then the painting of an special two hour introduction to oil glazes class in Brighton March 23.  More information and photos to follow.