Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twenty odd days of company

Exploring the fabulous boardwalk at Presqu'ile Provincial Park with Grandma and Grandad.

The Ploughman's lunch at Huffs Winery enjoyed by Gwen and I on a day away without the guys. Fifth Town and Black River cheese with homemade pickles and pate and the Reserve Riesling over looking the vines. Very relaxing!

An impromptu drop-in to see the wool at the Rose Haven Farm Store in Picton had Gwen and I signing up to try our hand(s) at felting. A bit of wool, a pool noodle, some patio door screening and we are now set to make scarves for all our friends. So we would like to think.

Between visitors I some how managed to get the giant fall leaf painting finished. Photo below, can you see the "wow, finally" on my face?

However, other painting projects and free-work for various art councils have been put on hold until playschool starts since "Jack the great napper" has become "Jack Nonap".

Yes, Ryan and Jack, I did manage to get pickles made. 17 sealers have been proudly shelved in the basement.


  1. Amy says: Holy crap that is one HUGE painting! Looks amazing though!!! Great job!
