Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Paintings

Nana and Poppa have come to visit. Crazy J is happy, he is on a farm tour with Nana and Poppa. Mommy is happy, I'm getting paintings finished. Husband is happy. He is into his last month of school and can soon move home and drool over his boat. Maybe he can boat too. That really has nothing to do with the visitors. The dog is happy. She isn't being harassed by a bored preschooler.

My newest paintings were inspired by photos I took at St Augustine beach in March.

Mixed media on canvas 12 x 24

Mixed media on canvas 24 x 36

More painting pictures will follow soon. Including two commissions. It must be a huge farm tour the boy is on.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Felting takes over the painting room

The newly felted scarf/belt made from wool I found at a "Gathering" for spinners and felters in Port Hope last month.

Ah felting my new love. It's taken over my painting table. And the preschooler can help. He is quite good at soaking the wool. Unfortunately, he gets distracted and starts spraying the dog and then whatever else is in front of him. I don't mind if it isn't my freshly grated and slimed olive oil soap that I've just mixed up to adjust the ph of the fibers to felt.

After my next event organized by myself for Arts Quinte West June 4th called Arts UpFront, it is back to the painting table to get some paintings finished up for display and sale at Presqu'ile Provincial Park this summer.

Erika in the autumn blue/teal scarf. Vanessa in the blue/purple scarf.