Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, my special day, made possible by the JackJack Attack, the Roadrunner, the boy who lost his listening ears in Lake Ontario last summer.  I'm not sure why this year I'm reflecting more then other years.  Maybe because husband had been asking me what I wanted for Mother's Day for two weeks, likely feeling badly that he would be away.  Or maybe because it wasn't so long ago that I thought I would never have someone to wish me happy Mother's Day.  Maybe I'm just tired.  We spent a large part of the day at a place I don't really enjoy, Uncle Donald's to J, DonDon's to my nephews, rainy day stinky play land to me, the Golden Arches to others.  Most of the day was a very good Happy Mother's Day but the redirection, it's his turn now and the 'was that a playful air punch close to that little kids face or are they really fighting' is exhausting, as always.  Thankfully, he is tired now too. Many races to the back acre with his buddy B.  Another chase after the dog he let out (again).  And the final slope we have to push the kid sized ATV up because it's just not meant for grassy slopes with two growing boys riding.

It's been busy leading up to Mother's Days as well.  Husband started a new job (travelling again).  I taught a 'Make Your Mama a Scarf' class.  It didn't really go as planned but was fun.  Good thing the Mom's stayed and enjoyed making their own scarves after the kids picked out the colours and then got distracted by the toys that happened to be in the room I'd rented.  Next year I might put an age limit on it.  Then I did a last minute, week really, rush to finish up some things for my first show.  Here are some snaps.
 The wool, waiting to be made into something fun.

The scarf laid out.  The first step after picking colours.

I did make the kids make a Mother's Day card for their Moms.  Good thing boys like to glue whether they like crafts or not.

My share of the community booth at the Brighton Arts Council's Jubilee Show and Sale.  You can see my floral paintings, my piper and my felted pieces.

This is my newest painting, 12 x 24 oil on canvas white hibiscus.

Now Mother's Day is almost over.  I got what I really wanted, a few projects done.  A happy, tired boy who actually sat at the table for lunch AND supper, not jumping and spinning around like a transformer.  A boy who didn't listen to badly and quietly played with the Lego that Grandma sent while I scrubbed the floor.
Maybe I'd better wish Grandma Happy Mother's Day again.